
This week we’ve teamed up with Amazing Amazigh to share the story of Dihya, the legendary Amazigh queen and warrior. Amazigh (or Imazighen) is the name given to the indigenous people of North Africa. Scroll down to read all about Dihya’s role in the history of North Africa and how she became a symbol of Amazigh resistance and a Maghribi (North African) feminist icon!

Jewellery in the Middle East and North Africa has always played a far more significant role than just that of adornment. One of its most valued functions was that of portable wealth, a practice that finds its origin in the times before finances almost automatically included monetary currency and banks. As such, jewellery was a major factor in women’s financial independence.

The term ‘cultural awareness’ is thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean and why does it matter for travellers? We’ve put together this list of 5 things you can do before and during your travels to increase your cultural awareness, so that you can reduce your footprint as a traveller and enjoy deeper and more meaningful experiences.

We’ve been umming and ahing about whether we should continue to content focused on travel in the Middle East and North Africa right now what with everything going on in the world. But after a lot of thought we decided that people still need reminding of what a beautiful place the world is, and of what’s waiting for us beyond our front doors when this is all over.