
As a daughter of the diaspora, my feet have touched the soil of many lands and crossed their boundaries; forming temporary homes wherever I settle. Aside from the quiet nests I have created throughout my life, I have also gained something else; an inner grasp of geographical narratives on global issues. More particularly, the case of the U.S invasion of Iraq: through the lens of the East and the West.

This month marks a year since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan. Since last August, Afghanistan has mostly faded from the headlines, but the suffering of its people has only deepened. The world must not forget about Afghanistan. Here are some places where you can learn more, and some ideas for how we can do more to support Afghanistan’s people.

Elegantly dressed in the pilot uniforms of Yemenia Airways, Captain Khattab al-Naami, born in Taiz, and co-pilot Mohammed al-Ansi from Al-Jawf, looked nervous, as if they were about to take their first flight test. They were in fact about to fly one of the most important flights in Yemen’s history. The atmosphere was joyous as passengers awaited the departure of the flight from Amman to Sana’a on May 16. It marked the reopening of Yemen’s main airport to commercial flights nearly six years after its closure.

In his new book, Impossible Victory: How Iraq Defeated Daesh, former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi gives a deeply personal account of the recent history of Iraq, from the early days of Saddam Hussein’s regime through to the US occupation and the war against terrorism and sectarianism that defined his career. As well as offering an inside account of a defining moment in Iraq’s recent history, the book sheds light on some of the key dynamics shaping the geopolitics of the wider Middle East today.

You all loved our last roundup of our favourite podcasts about the Middle East and North Africa, so we’re updating it for 2022! If you’ve emerged from lockdown a podcast addict too, we’ve got you covered. Throughout 2022, we’ll be sharing our top picks of Middle East podcasts. This week we’ve rounded up some of the best Middle East politics and history podcasts.

In response to her disappointment at the lack of support for Palestine during Israel’s most recent round of attacks, Nicole Griffin contemplates why so many people who have vocally supported Black Lives Matter and other progressive political causes have been quiet about Palestine. By pointing out the parallels between racial oppression in the United States and in Palestine, she attempts to empower people to extend their activism to the Middle East.

For many, the clean slate that early 2021 once promised simply hasn’t transpired. We’d hoped to see the back of the pandemic but have been let down. For many Syrians though, Covid is the last thing on their mind. After all, millions of Syrians have faced similar tragedy – death, destruction, hunger, and poverty – and more, for the last ten years now.