
Smell The Roses: The Invisible Side Of Personal Adornment

Scent is one of the most powerful aspects of personal adornment. It lingers in the air long after a person has left, it brings back memories of places we’ve been or people we’ve loved, and it has a proven influence on our state of mind: from soothing lavender to pick-me-up rosemary, the powers of fragrance have been known and used for millennia. The use of fragrance goes well beyond that of beautification.

Silver Savings: Of Bracelets, Banks And Ladies Who Mean Business

Jewellery in the Middle East and North Africa has always played a far more significant role than just that of adornment. One of its most valued functions was that of portable wealth, a practice that finds its origin in the times before finances almost automatically included monetary currency and banks. As such, jewellery was a major factor in women’s financial independence.

Introducing… The Souq

Since Pink Jinn began in 2015, we’ve tried to showcase the beauty and complexities of…