
In May 2020, Pink Jinn shared some of the stories of life during lockdown for girls living in the remote Atlas Mountains. We’re delighted to offer an update on the situation of the girls, which highlights the power of simple technology and online fundraising platforms to make a huge difference to these girls’ futures.

With Covid-19 causing chaos throughout the world, we decided to conduct a series of interviews with people across the Middle East and North Africa to try to understand how the effects are being felt across the region. In this interview, Morocco-based entrepreneur Amanda Mouttaki shares her reflections.

We’ve been umming and ahing about whether we should continue to content focused on travel in the Middle East and North Africa right now what with everything going on in the world. But after a lot of thought we decided that people still need reminding of what a beautiful place the world is, and of what’s waiting for us beyond our front doors when this is all over.